Extraction wounds usually heal quickly and without complications if simple precautions are taken. However, the extractions site should not be neglected and should be given certain attention. Your cooperation is most important!

Your activity level should be reduced as much as possible for several hours after the extraction. This helps reduce bleeding and permits the formation of a clot in the tooth socket, which is necessary for healing.

Some swelling is common and should not be cause for concern. There may also be some pain or discomfort for some time after the anesthesia has worn off. For this reason, we suggest taking the prescribed medication BEFORE the numbness wears off. To further decrease swelling and discomfort the application of an ice bag or cold cloth to the affected area for 30 minutes of each hour will help greatly. However, this must be started almost immediately after the extraction.

The blood clot should be given time to form and SHOULD NOT be disturbed. The mouth should NOT be rinsed the first 24 hours after the extraction. Do not smoke or drink through a straw during the first 24 hours. After the first day, warm salt-water rinses (1/2 tsp per glass) may be used to rinse the mouth gently. Do not spit out the water; let it fall from your mouth. You should also continue your normal hygiene practices of brushing and flossing. It is imperative to maintain your hygiene at this time so that the extraction site may heal well and to alleviate any possibility of infection.

Some oozing of blood may continue through the next day. Should this happen the following procedures will help:
  1. Continue to bite on the sterile gauze pads given to you for about 20 minutes. Make sure you wet the gauze pads before you use them.
  2. Should bleeding and oozing continue, a moist teabag can be used instead of the sterile gauze.
  3. If bleeding continues contact the office.
To aid in healing, a diet of soft nutritious foods should be eaten for the first few days after the extraction. Solid foods can be added as soon as they can be chewed comfortably.

Pain and tightness in the area of the extraction are normal reactions and should not cause concern. Please follow all instructions on medications that have been prescribed.

If these simple instructions are followed, the healing will be prompt and complications will be avoided.

9350 Waukegan Road
Morton Grove, IL 60053
North Shore Center of Dental Health Kids Dentist Park Ridge
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