Once the damaged or infected nerve is removed from the inside of the tooth the tooth can become brittle. After the root canal is complete, the root will be protected with a post and the tooth will be protected with a crown. Until that time, care is needed to ensure the success of the treatment.
After your first visit the canal will be filled with a temporary material. Care should be taken to avoid eating in the area of treatment. Should you lose your temporary filling call the office. A permanent filling will be placed on the second visit when the root canal procedure is completed.
It is imperative that you complete the root canal. If treatment is not completed there is a strong risk of infection, or possible tooth loss.
If you have been prescribed antibiotics it is imperative you complete the FULL course of treatment. Failure to do so will result in reinfection and further pain and discomfort.
For pain and discomfort, you may take Ibuprofen, commonly sold as Advil or Motrin. Follow label instructions as indicated. You may also experience swelling or numbness in the area. If you experience extreme discomfort or any unusual symptoms, call the office immediately.

9350 Waukegan Road
Morton Grove, IL 60053